ETC5521: Diving Deeply into Data Exploration

Initial data analysis and model diagnostics

Professor Di Cook

Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics

The role of initial data analysis

The first thing to do with data is to look at them …. usually means tabulating and plotting the data in many different ways to see what’s going on. With the wide availability of computer packages and graphics nowadays there is no excuse for ducking the labour of this preliminary phase, and it may save some red faces later.

Crowder, M. J. & Hand, D. J. (1990) “Analysis of Repeated Measures”

Initial Data Analysis and Confirmatory Analysis

Prior to conducting a confirmatory data analysis, it is important to conduct an initial data analysis (IDA).

  • Confirmatory data analysis (CDA) is focused on statistical inference and includes procedures for:
    • hypothesis testing,
    • predictive modelling,
    • parameter estimation including uncertainty,
    • model selection.
  • IDA includes:
    • describing the data and collection procedures
    • scrutinise data for errors, outliers, missing observations
    • check assumptions for confirmatory data analysis

IDA is sometimes called preliminary data analysis.

IDA is related to exploratory data analysis (EDA) in the sense that it is primarily conducted graphically, and there are few formal tests available.

Taxonomies are useful but rarely perfect

Objectives of IDA?

The main objective for IDA is to intercept any problems in the data that might adversely affect the confirmatory data analysis.

  • The role of CDA is to answer the intended question(s) that the data were collected for.
  • IDA is often unreported in the data analysis reports or scientific papers, for various reasons. It might not have been done, or it may have been conducted but there was no space in the paper to report on it.

IDA in government statistics

The purpose of data cleaning is to bring data up to a level of quality such that it can reliably be used for the production of statistical models or statements.

A statistical value chain is constructed by defining a number of meaningful intermediate data products, for which a chosen set of quality attributes are well described.

van der Loo & de Jonge (2018) Statistical Data Cleaning with Applications in R

IDA in health and medical data

Huebner et al (2018)’s six steps of IDA: (1) Metadata setup, (2) Data cleaning, (3) Data screening, (4) Initial reporting, (5) Refining and updating the analysis plan, (6) Reporting IDA in documentation.

Heed these words

IDA prepares an analyst for CDA. One needs to be careful about NOT compromising the inference.

How do you compromise inference?

  1. Change your inference or questions based on what you find in IDA.
  2. Outlier removal or not.
  3. Missing value imputation choices.
  4. Treatment of zeros.
  5. Handling of variable type, categorical temporal.
  6. Lack of multivariate relationship checking, including subsets based on levels of categorical variables.
  7. Choosing variables and observations.

How do you avoid these errors?

  • Document ALL the IDA, using a reproducible analysis script.
  • Pre-register your CDA plan, so that your CDA questions do not change.
  • Decisions made on outlier removal, variable selection, recoding, sampling, handling of zeros have known affects on results, and are justifiable.

Insure yourself against accusations of data snooping, data dredging, data fishing.

Data screening

Data screening

It’s important to check how the data are understood by the computer.

that is, checking for data type:

  • Was the date read in as character?
  • Was a factor read in as numeric?

Also important for making inference is to know whether the data supports making broader conclusions. How was the data collected? Is it clear what the population of interest is, and that the data is a representative sample of this population?

Example: Checking the data type (1/2)


df <- read_excel(here("data/lecture3-example.xlsx"))
# A tibble: 5 × 4
     id date                loc       temp
  <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>    <dbl>
1     1 2010-01-03 00:00:00 New York  42  
2     2 2010-02-03 00:00:00 New York  41.4
3     3 2010-03-03 00:00:00 New York  38.5
4     4 2010-04-03 00:00:00 New York  41.1
5     5 2010-05-03 00:00:00 New York  39.8
  • What problems are there with the computer’s interpretation of data type?
  • What context specific issues indicate incorrect computer interpretation?

Example: Checking the data type (2/2)

df <- read_excel(here("data/lecture3-example.xlsx"), 
                 col_types = c("text", 

df |> 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id),
         date = ydm(date)) |>
         day = day(date),
         month = month(date),
         year = year(date)) 
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  id    date       loc       temp   day month  year
  <fct> <date>     <chr>    <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1     2010-03-01 New York  42       1     3  2010
2 2     2010-03-02 New York  41.4     2     3  2010
3 3     2010-03-03 New York  38.5     3     3  2010
4 4     2010-03-04 New York  41.1     4     3  2010
5 5     2010-03-05 New York  39.8     5     3  2010
  • id is now a factor instead of integer
  • day, month and year are now extracted from the date
  • Is it okay now?
  • In the United States, it’s common to use the date format MM/DD/YYYY (gasps) while the rest of the world commonly uses DD/MM/YYYY or better still YYYY/MM/DD.
  • It’s highly probable that the dates are 1st-5th March and not 3rd of Jan-May.

Example: Specifying the data type with R

  • You can robustify your workflow by ensuring you have a check for the expected data type in your code.
xlsx_df <- read_excel(here("data/lecture3-example.xlsx"),
                 col_types = c("text", "date", "text", "numeric"))  |> 
  mutate(id = as.factor(id), 
         date = as.character(date),
         date = as.Date(date, format = "%Y-%d-%m"))
  • read_csv has a broader support for col_types
csv_df <- read_csv(here::here("data/lecture3-example.csv"),
                 col_types = cols(
                      id = col_factor(),
                      date = col_date(format = "%m/%d/%y"),
                      loc = col_character(),
                      temp = col_double()))
  • The checks (or coercions) ensure that even if the data are updated, you can have some confidence that any data type error will be picked up before further analysis.

Example: Checking the data type with R

You can have a quick glimpse of the data type with:

Rows: 5
Columns: 4
$ id   <fct> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
$ date <date> 2010-03-01, 2010-03-02, 2010-03-03, 2010-03-0…
$ loc  <chr> "New York", "New York", "New York", "New Yor…
$ temp <dbl> 42, 41, 38, 41, 40
Rows: 5
Columns: 4
$ id   <fct> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
$ date <date> 2010-03-01, 2010-03-02, 2010-03-03, 2010-03-0…
$ loc  <chr> "New York", "New York", "New York", "New Yor…
$ temp <dbl> 42, 41, 38, 41, 40

Example: Checking the data type visually

You can also visualise the data type with:


inspect_types(xlsx_df)  |> 

Data cleaning

Data cleaning (1/2)

Data quality checks should be one of the first steps in the data analysis to assess any problems with the data.

These include using common or domain knowledge to check if the recorded data have sensible values.

  • Are positive values, e.g. height and weight, recorded as positive values with a plausible range?
  • If the data are counts, do the recorded values contain non-integer values?
  • For compositional data, do the values add up to 100% (or 1)? If not, is that a measurement error or due to rounding? Or is another variable missing?
  • Does the data contain only positives, ie disease occurrences, or warranty claims? If so, what would the no report group look like?

Data cleaning (2/2)

In addition, numerical or graphical summaries may reveal that there is unwanted structure in the data, for example,

  • Does the treatment group have different demographic characteristics to the control group?
  • Are the distributions similar between the or training and test sets?
  • Are there sufficient measurements for each level of categorical variable, or across the range of numerical variables?
  • Does the distribution of the data imply violations of assumptions for the CDA, such as
    • non-normality,
    • discrete rather real-valued, or
    • different variance in different domains?

Data scrutinizing is a process that you get better at with practice and have familiarity with the domain area.

Example: Checking the data quality

# A tibble: 9 × 4
  id    date       loc        temp
  <fct> <date>     <chr>     <dbl>
1 1     2010-03-01 New York   42  
2 2     2010-03-02 New York   41.4
3 3     2010-03-03 New York   38.5
4 4     2010-03-04 New York   41.1
5 5     2010-03-05 New York   39.8
6 6     2020-03-01 Melbourne  30.6
7 7     2020-03-02 Melbourne  17.9
8 8     2020-03-03 Melbourne  18.6
9 9     2020-03-04 <NA>       21.3
  • Numerical or graphical summaries or even just eye-balling the data helps to uncover some data quality issues.
  • Any issues here?

  • There’s a missing value in loc.
  • Temperature is in Farenheit for New York but Celsius in Melbourne (you can validate this again using external sources).

Case study: World development indicators (1/7)

raw_dat <- read_csv(here("data/world-development-indicators.csv"), 
                    na = "..", n_max = 11935)
Rows: 11,935
Columns: 54
$ `Country Name`  <chr> "Argentina", "Argentina", "Argentina", "Argentina", "A…
$ `Country Code`  <chr> "ARG", "ARG", "ARG", "ARG", "ARG", "ARG", "ARG", "ARG"…
$ `Series Name`   <chr> "Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women age…
$ `Series Code`   <chr> "SP.ADO.TFRT", "NV.AGR.TOTL.ZS", "ER.H2O.FWTL.ZS", "SH…
$ `1969 [YR1969]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 9.2e+00, NA, NA, 3.3e+00, NA, 2.2e+01, NA, NA…
$ `1970 [YR1970]` <dbl> 6.5e+01, 9.6e+00, NA, NA, 3.5e+00, NA, 2.5e+01, NA, NA…
$ `1971 [YR1971]` <dbl> 6.7e+01, 1.1e+01, NA, NA, 3.7e+00, NA, 2.4e+01, 8.7e+0…
$ `1972 [YR1972]` <dbl> 6.8e+01, 1.1e+01, NA, NA, 3.6e+00, NA, 1.9e+01, 9.2e+0…
$ `1973 [YR1973]` <dbl> 7.1e+01, 1.2e+01, NA, NA, 3.7e+00, NA, 2.7e+01, 9.6e+0…
$ `1974 [YR1974]` <dbl> 7.5e+01, 1.0e+01, NA, NA, 3.7e+00, NA, 3.0e+01, 9.9e+0…
$ `1975 [YR1975]` <dbl> 7.8e+01, 6.6e+00, NA, NA, 3.6e+00, NA, 2.9e+01, 1.0e+0…
$ `1976 [YR1976]` <dbl> 8.1e+01, 8.2e+00, NA, NA, 3.8e+00, NA, 2.0e+01, 1.0e+0…
$ `1977 [YR1977]` <dbl> 8.4e+01, 8.1e+00, 9.5e+00, NA, 3.7e+00, NA, 2.6e+01, 1…
$ `1978 [YR1978]` <dbl> 8.2e+01, 7.5e+00, NA, NA, 3.8e+00, NA, 2.9e+01, 1.1e+0…
$ `1979 [YR1979]` <dbl> 8.0e+01, 7.8e+00, NA, NA, 4.0e+00, NA, 3.1e+01, 1.2e+0…
$ `1980 [YR1980]` <dbl> 7.8e+01, 6.4e+00, NA, NA, 3.9e+00, NA, 3.3e+01, 1.2e+0…
$ `1981 [YR1981]` <dbl> 7.6e+01, 6.5e+00, NA, NA, 3.6e+00, NA, 4.8e+01, 1.2e+0…
$ `1982 [YR1982]` <dbl> 7.4e+01, 9.6e+00, NA, NA, 3.6e+00, NA, 4.6e+01, 1.2e+0…
$ `1983 [YR1983]` <dbl> 7.4e+01, 8.7e+00, NA, NA, 3.6e+00, NA, 4.6e+01, 1.3e+0…
$ `1984 [YR1984]` <dbl> 7.4e+01, 8.3e+00, NA, NA, 3.6e+00, NA, 4.2e+01, 1.3e+0…
$ `1985 [YR1985]` <dbl> 7.4e+01, 7.6e+00, NA, NA, 3.3e+00, NA, 3.3e+01, 1.3e+0…
$ `1986 [YR1986]` <dbl> 7.4e+01, 7.8e+00, NA, NA, 3.4e+00, NA, 3.3e+01, 1.3e+0…
$ `1987 [YR1987]` <dbl> 7.3e+01, 8.1e+00, NA, NA, 3.7e+00, NA, 4.8e+01, 1.4e+0…
$ `1988 [YR1988]` <dbl> 7.3e+01, 9.0e+00, NA, NA, 3.8e+00, NA, 4.3e+01, 1.4e+0…
$ `1989 [YR1989]` <dbl> 7.3e+01, 9.6e+00, NA, NA, 3.6e+00, NA, 8.0e+01, 1.3e+0…
$ `1990 [YR1990]` <dbl> 7.3e+01, 8.1e+00, NA, 9.7e+01, 3.4e+00, NA, 3.2e+01, 1…
$ `1991 [YR1991]` <dbl> 7.3e+01, 6.7e+00, NA, NA, 3.5e+00, NA, 2.3e+01, 1.3e+0…
$ `1992 [YR1992]` <dbl> 7.3e+01, 6.0e+00, NA, 9.6e+01, 3.6e+00, NA, 2.2e+01, 1…
$ `1993 [YR1993]` <dbl> 7.3e+01, 5.1e+00, NA, NA, 3.5e+00, NA, 2.6e+01, 1.5e+0…
$ `1994 [YR1994]` <dbl> 7.2e+01, 5.1e+00, NA, NA, 3.5e+00, NA, 2.7e+01, 1.6e+0…
$ `1995 [YR1995]` <dbl> 7.1e+01, 5.4e+00, NA, 9.8e+01, 3.7e+00, NA, 2.8e+01, 1…
$ `1996 [YR1996]` <dbl> 7.0e+01, 5.6e+00, NA, NA, 3.8e+00, NA, 2.8e+01, 1.7e+0…
$ `1997 [YR1997]` <dbl> 7.0e+01, 5.2e+00, 9.8e+00, 9.7e+01, 3.9e+00, NA, 3.0e+…
$ `1998 [YR1998]` <dbl> 6.9e+01, 5.3e+00, NA, 9.8e+01, 3.9e+00, NA, 3.3e+01, 2…
$ `1999 [YR1999]` <dbl> 6.8e+01, 4.5e+00, NA, 9.8e+01, 4.0e+00, NA, 3.6e+01, 2…
$ `2000 [YR2000]` <dbl> 6.7e+01, 4.7e+00, NA, 9.9e+01, 3.8e+00, NA, 3.4e+01, 2…
$ `2001 [YR2001]` <dbl> 6.6e+01, 4.6e+00, NA, 9.8e+01, 3.6e+00, 6.5e+01, 3.7e+…
$ `2002 [YR2002]` <dbl> 6.5e+01, 1.0e+01, NA, 9.9e+01, 3.3e+00, NA, 6.2e+01, 2…
$ `2003 [YR2003]` <dbl> 6.5e+01, 1.0e+01, NA, 9.9e+01, 3.5e+00, NA, 5.1e+01, 2…
$ `2004 [YR2004]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 8.4e+00, NA, 9.9e+01, 4.1e+00, NA, 4.2e+01, 2…
$ `2005 [YR2005]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 7.9e+00, NA, 9.9e+01, 4.1e+00, 7.9e+01, 3.5e+…
$ `2006 [YR2006]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 6.9e+00, NA, 9.9e+01, 4.4e+00, NA, 2.8e+01, 2…
$ `2007 [YR2007]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 7.5e+00, NA, 9.9e+01, 4.4e+00, NA, 2.6e+01, 2…
$ `2008 [YR2008]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 7.3e+00, NA, 9.5e+01, 4.7e+00, NA, 2.2e+01, 2…
$ `2009 [YR2009]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 5.3e+00, NA, 9.8e+01, 4.4e+00, NA, 2.6e+01, 2…
$ `2010 [YR2010]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 7.1e+00, NA, 9.5e+01, 4.6e+00, NA, 2.5e+01, 2…
$ `2011 [YR2011]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 7.0e+00, NA, 9.7e+01, 4.6e+00, NA, 2.6e+01, 2…
$ `2012 [YR2012]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 5.8e+00, 1.3e+01, 9.8e+01, 4.6e+00, 5.5e+01, …
$ `2013 [YR2013]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 6.1e+00, NA, 9.7e+01, 4.5e+00, 8.1e+01, 3.3e+…
$ `2014 [YR2014]` <dbl> 6.4e+01, 6.7e+00, 1.3e+01, 1.0e+02, 4.7e+00, NA, 3.4e+…
$ `2015 [YR2015]` <dbl> 6.3e+01, 5.2e+00, NA, 1.0e+02, NA, NA, 4.0e+01, NA, NA…
$ `2016 [YR2016]` <dbl> 6.3e+01, 6.4e+00, NA, NA, NA, NA, 3.8e+01, NA, NA, 1.3…
$ `2017 [YR2017]` <dbl> NA, 5.6e+00, NA, NA, NA, NA, 3.9e+01, NA, NA, 1.1e+01,…
$ `2018 [YR2018]` <lgl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA…

World Development Indicators (WDI), sourced from the World Bank Group (2019)

  • What are the data types?
  • What are the variables?
  • What are the observations?
  • Is the data in tidy form?

Case study: World development indicators (2/7)

country_code_df <- raw_dat  |>
  distinct(`Country Name`, `Country Code`)  |>
  rename_all(janitor::make_clean_names)  |>
    countrycode::codelist |> select(iso3c, region, continent),
    by = c("country_code" = "iso3c")
  )  |>
  arrange(continent, region) 
Rows: 217
Columns: 4
$ country_name <chr> "Algeria", "Djibouti", "Egypt, Arab Rep.", "Libya", "Moro…
$ country_code <chr> "DZA", "DJI", "EGY", "LBY", "MAR", "TUN", "AGO", "BEN", "…
$ region       <chr> "Middle East & North Africa", "Middle East & North Africa…
$ continent    <chr> "Africa", "Africa", "Africa", "Africa", "Africa", "Africa…
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  continent     n
  <chr>     <int>
1 Africa       54
2 Americas     46
3 Asia         50
4 Europe       46
5 Oceania      19
6 <NA>          2
# A tibble: 8 × 2
  region                         n
  <chr>                      <int>
1 East Asia & Pacific           37
2 Europe & Central Asia         56
3 Latin America & Caribbean     42
4 Middle East & North Africa    21
5 North America                  3
6 South Asia                     8
7 Sub-Saharan Africa            48
8 <NA>                           2

  • How many countries are included
  • How many continents, regions?
  • Why are there NAs here?
country_code_df |> filter(
# A tibble: 2 × 4
  country_name    country_code region continent
  <chr>           <chr>        <chr>  <chr>    
1 Channel Islands CHI          <NA>   <NA>     
2 Kosovo          XKX          <NA>   <NA>     

Case study: World development indicators (3/7)

wdi_vars <- raw_dat  |>
  select(`Series Name`, `Series Code`) |>
  distinct() |>

series_name series_code
Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) SP.ADO.TFRT
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP) NV.AGR.TOTL.ZS
Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources) ER.H2O.FWTL.ZS
Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total) SH.STA.BRTC.ZS
CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) EN.ATM.CO2E.PC
Contraceptive prevalence, any methods (% of women ages 15-49) SP.DYN.CONU.ZS
Domestic credit provided by financial sector (% of GDP) FS.AST.DOMS.GD.ZS
Electric power consumption (kWh per capita) EG.USE.ELEC.KH.PC
Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita) EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS
External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$) DT.DOD.DECT.CD
Fertility rate, total (births per woman) SP.DYN.TFRT.IN
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$) BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD
Forest area (sq. km) AG.LND.FRST.K2
GDP (current US$) NY.GDP.MKTP.CD
GDP growth (annual %) NY.GDP.MKTP.KD.ZG
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) NY.GNP.PCAP.CD
GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) NY.GNP.PCAP.PP.CD
GNI, Atlas method (current US$) NY.GNP.ATLS.CD
GNI, PPP (current international $) NY.GNP.MKTP.PP.CD
Gross capital formation (% of GDP) NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS
High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports) TX.VAL.TECH.MF.ZS
Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months) SH.IMM.MEAS
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP) NE.IMP.GNFS.ZS
Income share held by lowest 20% SI.DST.FRST.20
Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP) NV.IND.TOTL.ZS
Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) NY.GDP.DEFL.KD.ZG
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) SP.DYN.LE00.IN
Merchandise trade (% of GDP) TG.VAL.TOTL.GD.ZS
Military expenditure (% of GDP) MS.MIL.XPND.GD.ZS
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people) IT.CEL.SETS.P2
Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births) SH.DYN.MORT
Net barter terms of trade index (2000 = 100) TT.PRI.MRCH.XD.WD
Net migration SM.POP.NETM
Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$) DT.ODA.ALLD.CD
Personal remittances, received (current US$) BX.TRF.PWKR.CD.DT
Population density (people per sq. km of land area) EN.POP.DNST
Population growth (annual %) SP.POP.GROW
Population, total SP.POP.TOTL
Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population) SI.POV.DDAY
Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) SI.POV.NAHC
Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) SH.DYN.AIDS.ZS
Prevalence of underweight, weight for age (% of children under 5) SH.STA.MALN.ZS
Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group) SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS
Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP) GC.REV.XGRT.GD.ZS
School enrollment, primary (% gross) SE.PRM.ENRR
School enrollment, primary and secondary (gross), gender parity index (GPI) SE.ENR.PRSC.FM.ZS
School enrollment, secondary (% gross) SE.SEC.ENRR
Statistical Capacity score (Overall average) IQ.SCI.OVRL
Surface area (sq. km) AG.SRF.TOTL.K2
Tax revenue (% of GDP) GC.TAX.TOTL.GD.ZS
Terrestrial and marine protected areas (% of total territorial area) ER.PTD.TOTL.ZS
Time required to start a business (days) IC.REG.DURS
Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and primary income) DT.TDS.DECT.EX.ZS
Urban population growth (annual %) SP.URB.GROW
  • Analysis will use the short name (series_code) for variables.

  • Store full variable name (series_name) and short name (series_code) in a separate table.

  • The series_code will be used as the key whenever the full name is needed.

Case study: World development indicators (4/7)

wdi <- raw_dat  |>
  select(`Country Code`, `Series Code`, `1969 [YR1969]`:`2018 [YR2018]`) |>
  rename_all(janitor::make_clean_names) |>
               names_to = "year", 
               values_to = "value") |>
  mutate(year = as.numeric(str_sub(year, 2, 5)) ) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = series_code,
              values_from = value)

wdi2017 <- wdi  |> filter(year == 2017)
  • Organise data into tidy form
  • Check missing value distribution

Case study: World development indicators (5/7)

Check missings by

  • variable
  • country

Case study: World development indicators (6/7)

Look at Costa Rica (CRI), most complete country

To illustrate imputation, we’ll show one of the variables, that is relatively complete.

Impute a few temporal missings using nearest neighbours.

Case study: World development indicators (6/7)

Missings imputed using imputeTS using the moving average method.

  • Don’t have to impute before scrutinizing data
  • What are these numbers supposed to be?

SE.PRM.CMPT.ZS is “Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)”

Do we have any problems?

Yes. The explanation of the variable suggests the numbers should range between 0-100.

📋 Summary of the process

The steps we took roughly followed these:

At the end of this stage we would have:

  • 3 tables of data: country name/code, variables name/key, time series of multiple variables for many countries
  • What would you like to learn from this data? What sort of models might be fitted? What types of hypotheses might be tested?
  • Have we done anything that might have compromised the later analysis?

Data collection

Case study: Employment Data in Australia (1/3)

Below is the data from ABS that shows the total number of people employed in a given month from February 1976 to December 2019 using the original time series.

Rows: 557
Columns: 4
$ date  <date> 1978-02-01, 1978-03-01, 1978-04-01, 1978-05-01, 1978-06-01, 197…
$ month <dbl> 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1…
$ year  <dbl> 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978, 1978…
$ value <dbl> 5986, 6041, 6054, 6038, 6031, 6036, 6005, 6024, 6046, 6034, 6125…

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Labour force, Australia, Table 01. Labour force status by Sex, Australia - Trend, Seasonally adjusted and Original

Case study: Employment Data in Australia (2/3)

Do you notice anything?

Why do you think the number of people employed is going up each year?

  • Australian population is 25.39 million in 2019
  • 1.5% annual increase in population
  • Vic population is 6.681 million (Sep 2020) - 26%
  • NSW population is 8.166 (Sep 2020) - 32%

Case study: Employment Data in Australia (3/3)

  • There’s a suspicious change in August numbers from 2014.

  • A potential explanation for this is that there was a change in the survey from 2014.

See discussion on this at Hyndsight blog (10 October 2014).

Case study: 2014 Data Mining Cup winners

Ugly plot of all observations provided in training sample, with response variable in colour, and test sample to predict.

What does this tell you about the test sample?

Case study: french fries/hot chips (1/2)

Rows: 696
Columns: 9
$ time      <fct> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
$ treatment <fct> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …
$ subject   <fct> 3, 3, 10, 10, 15, 15, 16, 16, …
$ rep       <dbl> 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, …
$ potato    <dbl> 2.9, 14.0, 11.0, 9.9, 1.2, 8.8…
$ buttery   <dbl> 0.0, 0.0, 6.4, 5.9, 0.1, 3.0, …
$ grassy    <dbl> 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.9, 0.0, 3.6, …
$ rancid    <dbl> 0.0, 1.1, 0.0, 2.2, 1.1, 1.5, …
$ painty    <dbl> 5.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.1, 2.3, …

10 week sensory experiment, 12 individuals assessed taste of french fries on several scales (how potato-y, buttery, grassy, rancid, paint-y do they taste?), fried in one of 3 different oils, replicated twice.

  • Is the design complete?
  • Are replicates like each other?
  • How do the ratings on the different scales differ?
  • Are raters giving different scores on average?
  • Do ratings change over the weeks?

Case study: french fries/hot chips (2/2)

  • Is the design complete?
french_fries |> count(subject)
# A tibble: 12 × 2
   subject     n
   <fct>   <int>
 1 3          54
 2 10         60
 3 15         60
 4 16         60
 5 19         60
 6 31         54
 7 51         60
 8 52         60
 9 63         60
10 78         60
11 79         54
12 86         54
french_fries |> count(time)
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   time      n
   <fct> <int>
 1 1        72
 2 2        72
 3 3        72
 4 4        72
 5 5        72
 6 6        72
 7 7        72
 8 8        72
 9 9        60
10 10       60
french_fries |> count(treatment)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  treatment     n
  <fct>     <int>
1 1           232
2 2           232
3 3           232
french_fries |> count(rep)
# A tibble: 2 × 2
    rep     n
  <dbl> <int>
1     1   348
2     2   348

Case study: Warranty claims

Rows: 4,561
Columns: 14
$ Region           <chr> "East", "West", "North …
$ State            <chr> "Delhi", "Gujarat", "We…
$ Area             <chr> "Urban", "Rural", "Urba…
$ City             <chr> "New Delhi", "Ahmedabad…
$ Consumer_profile <chr> "Personal", "Personal",…
$ TV_2001_Issue    <dbl> 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,…
$ TV_2002_Issue    <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,…
$ TV_2003_Issue    <dbl> 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,…
$ Claim_Value      <dbl> 25000, 4216, 4000, 5000…
$ Service_Centre   <dbl> 13, 10, 10, 12, 10, 10,…
$ Product_Age      <dbl> 60, 672, 275, 10, 4, 34…
$ Purchased_from   <chr> "Dealer", "Dealer", "De…
$ Call_details     <dbl> 1.3, 25.0, 11.0, 1.6, 0…
$ Purpose          <chr> "Complaint", "Other", "…
  • TV_2001_Issue: failure of power supply
  • TV_2002_Issue: failure of inverter
  • TV_2003_Issue: failure of motherboard

  • What is the population that this data is measuring?
  • What is not measured?
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  City          n
  <chr>     <int>
1 Delhi       106
2 Bangalore   320

Can we say that Delhi has fewer problems with TVs than Bangalore?

Source: ExcelR Projects. (2019). Warranty Claims. Kaggle.

📋 Summary of checks for data collection

✅ Has the collection process been consistent?

✅ Does the set to be predicted match the training set?

✅ Is the experimental design correctly applied?

✅ Have treatments been appropriately randomised or assigned comprehensively across subjects?

✅ What is the population that the collected data describes?

✅ If the data is observational, can you group them into comparison sets?

Imputing missing values

Example 1: Olympic medals

             country totalmedal
1       UnitedStates        104
2              China         88
3             Russia         82
4       GreatBritain         65
5            Germany         44
6              Japan         38
7          Australia         35
8             France         34
9         SouthKorea         28
10             Italy         28
11       Netherlands         20
12           Ukraine         20
13            Canada         18
14           Hungary         17
15             Spain         17
16            Brazil         17
17              Cuba         14
18        Kazakhstan         13
19        NewZealand         13
20              Iran         12
21           Jamaica         12
22           Belarus         12
23             Kenya         11
24     CzechRepublic         10
25            Poland         10
26        Azerbaijan         10
27           Romania          9
28           Denmark          9
29            Sweden          8
30          Colombia          8
31          Ethiopia          7
32            Mexico          7
33           Georgia          7
34        NorthKorea          6
35       SouthAfrica          6
36           Croatia          6
37             India          6
38            Turkey          5
39         Lithuania          5
40           Ireland          5
41          Mongolia          5
42       Switzerland          4
43            Norway          4
44          Slovenia          4
45            Serbia          4
46         Argentina          4
47        Uzbekistan          4
48 TrinidadandTobago          4
49          Slovakia          4
50           Tunisia          3
51          Thailand          3
52           Finland          3
53           Belgium          3
54           Armenia          3
55 DominicanRepublic          2
56            Latvia          2
57             Egypt          2
58        PuertoRico          2
59          Malaysia          2
60         Indonesia          2
61           Estonia          2
62            Taiwan          2
63          Bulgaria          2
64         Singapore          2
65             Qatar          2
66           Moldova          2
67            Greece          2
68         Venezuela          1
69            Uganda          1
70           Grenada          1
71           Bahamas          1
72           Algeria          1
73          Portugal          1
74        Montenegro          1
75         Guatemala          1
76             Gabon          1
77            Cyprus          1
78          Botswana          1
79        Tajikistan          1
80       SaudiArabia          1
81           Morocco          1
82            Kuwait          1
83          HongKong          1
84           Bahrain          1
85       Afghanistan          1

Is the average number of medals equal to 962/85 = 11.32?

What is missing?

What is the correct average number of medals?

962/204 = 4.72

Working out what is missing can be hard!

Example 2: El Nino

Explore missings

  • plotting on edge of plots, or
  • using simple imputation like mean
oceanbuoys |>
  ggplot(aes(x=air_temp_c, y=humidity)) +

Impute and check

  • Impute using regression or simulation
  • Check distribution relative to complete cases
ocean_imp_yr <- oceanbuoys %>%
  bind_shadow() %>%
  impute_lm(air_temp_c ~ wind_ew + wind_ns + year + longitude + latitude) %>%
  impute_lm(humidity ~  wind_ew + wind_ns + year + longitude + latitude) %>%
  impute_lm(sea_temp_c ~  wind_ew + wind_ns + year + longitude + latitude) %>%

       aes(x = air_temp_c,
           y = humidity,
           color = any_missing)) + 
  geom_point() +
  theme(legend.title = element_blank())


Automating some checks

Case study: Dutch supermarket revenue and cost (1/3)

  • Data contains the revenue and cost (in Euros) for 60 supermarkets
  • Data has been anonymised and distorted
data("SBS2000", package = "validate")
Rows: 60
Columns: 11
$ id          <fct> RET01, RET02, RET03, RET04, …
$ size        <fct> sc0, sc3, sc3, sc3, sc3, sc0…
$ incl.prob   <dbl> 0.02, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14, 0.14…
$ staff       <int> 75, 9, NA, NA, NA, 1, 5, 3, …
$ turnover    <int> NA, 1607, 6886, 3861, NA, 25…
$ other.rev   <int> NA, NA, -33, 13, 37, NA, NA,…
$ total.rev   <int> 1130, 1607, 6919, 3874, 5602…
$ staff.costs <int> NA, 131, 324, 290, 314, NA, …
$ total.costs <int> 18915, 1544, 6493, 3600, 553…
$ profit      <int> 20045, 63, 426, 274, 72, 3, …
$ vat         <int> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1346…

Case study: Dutch supermarket revenue and cost (2/3)

  • Checking for completeness of records
rules <- validator(
          is_complete(id, turnover),
          is_complete(id, turnover, profit))
out <- confront(SBS2000, rules)
  name items passes fails nNA error warning
1   V1    60     60     0   0 FALSE   FALSE
2   V2    60     56     4   0 FALSE   FALSE
3   V3    60     52     8   0 FALSE   FALSE
1                   is_complete(id)
2         is_complete(id, turnover)
3 is_complete(id, turnover, profit)

Case study: Dutch supermarket revenue and cost (3/3)

  • Sanity check derived variables
rules <- validator(
    total.rev - profit == total.costs,
    turnover + other.rev == total.rev,
    profit <= 0.6 * total.rev
out <- confront(SBS2000, rules)
  name items passes fails nNA error warning
1   V1    60     39    14   7 FALSE   FALSE
2   V2    60     19     4  37 FALSE   FALSE
3   V3    60     49     6   5 FALSE   FALSE
1 abs(total.rev - profit - total.costs) <= 1e-08
2 abs(turnover + other.rev - total.rev) <= 1e-08
3              profit - 0.6 * total.rev <= 1e-08

IDA for hypothesis testing

Hypothesis testing (1/3)

  • State the hypothesis (pair), e.g. \(H_o: \mu_1 = \mu_2\) vs \(H_a: \mu_1 < \mu_2\).
  • Test statistic depends on assumption about the distribution, e.g. 
    • \(t\)-test will assume that distributions are normal, or small departures from if we have a large sample.
    • two-sample might assume both groups have the same variance
  • Steps to complete:
    • Compute the test statistic
    • Measure it against a standard distribution
    • If it is extreme, \(p\)-value is small, decision is to reject \(H_o\)
    • \(p\)-value is the probability of observing a value as large as this, or large, assuming \(H_o\) is true.

Example 1: Checking variance and distribution (2/3)

ggplot(sleep, aes(x=group, y=extra)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +

Cushny, A. R. and Peebles, A. R. (1905) The action of optical isomers: II hyoscines. The Journal of Physiology 32, 501–510.

Few observations. Nothing strongly suggests violation of normality and spread of points is similar for each group.

tt <- with(sleep,
     t.test(extra[group == 1],
            extra[group == 2], 
            paired = TRUE))

    Paired t-test

data:  extra[group == 1] and extra[group == 2]
t = -4, df = 9, p-value = 0.003
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -2.5 -0.7
sample estimates:
mean difference 

Example 2: Checking distribution and variance (3/3)

InsectSprays  |> 
  ggplot(aes(x=fct_reorder(spray, count), 
             y=count)) + 
  geom_jitter(width=0.1, height=0, colour="#D55E00", size=3, alpha=0.8) +

Is it plausible that the samples are from a normal population? Do they have equal variance?

fm1 <- aov(count ~ spray, data = InsectSprays)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
spray        5   2669     534    34.7 <2e-16 ***
Residuals   66   1015      15                   
Signif. codes:  
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

What hypothesis being tested? What would the decision be?

Why does equal variance matter in this test?

IDA for inferential modeling

Linear models (1/3)

ggplot(cars, aes(speed, dist)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = FALSE)

\[y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + e_i\]


  • Form is linear
  • Error is normally distributed around 0

Check using residual plots

cars_model <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
cars_fit <- augment(cars_model)

cars_p1 <- ggplot(cars_fit, aes(x=.fitted, 
                                y=.resid)) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour="grey70") +
cars_p2 <- ggplot(cars_fit, aes(x=.resid)) +
cars_p1 + cars_p2 + plot_layout(ncol=2)

Linear models (2/3)

Data and loess smoother

ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, price)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + 

  • Form is not linear!
  • Also, insufficient data on large diamonds.

Fix 1: fit polynomial form

\[y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \beta_2 x_i^2 + e_i.\]

diamonds_sub <- diamonds |>
  filter(carat < 3)

diamonds_model <- lm(price ~ poly(carat, 2),
diamonds_fit <- diamonds_sub |>
  mutate(.fitted = diamonds_model$fitted.values, 
         .resid = diamonds_model$residuals)

diamonds_p1 <- ggplot(diamonds_fit) +
  geom_point(aes(x=carat, y=price)) +
  geom_point(aes(x=carat, y=.fitted),
diamonds_p2 <- ggplot(diamonds_fit, 
                          y=.resid)) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour="grey70") +
diamonds_p1 + diamonds_p2 + plot_layout(ncol=2)

Form is not quadratic, continue to explore additional polynomial terms.

Linear models (3/3)

Data and loess smoother

ggplot(diamonds, aes(carat, price)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + 

  • Form is not linear!
  • Also, insufficient data on large diamonds.

Fix 2: linearise

The log transformation of both variables linearises the relationship, so that a simple linear model can be used, and can correct heteroskedasticity.

ggplot(diamonds_sub, aes(carat, price)) + 
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2) + 
  geom_smooth(method = lm) +
  scale_x_log10() +


  • Notice that there was no formal statistical inference when trying to determine an appropriate model form.

Discarded models are hardly ever reported. Consequently, majority of reported statistics give a distorted view and it’s important to remind yourself what might not be reported.


  • IDA is a model-focused exploration to support a CDA with:
    • data description and collection
    • data quality checking, and
    • checking assumptions
    • model fit without any formal statistical inference.
  • IDA is part of EDA, even when no CDA is planned.
  • IDA may never see the limelight BUT it forms the foundation that the main analysis is built upon. Document it! Do it well!

The Census Bureau tabulates same-sex couples in both the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Decennial Census. Two questions are used to identify same-sex couples: relationship and sex. The agency follows edit rules that are used to change data values for seemingly contradictory answers. The edit rules for combining information from relationship and sex have evolved since the category of unmarried partner was added in 1990. In that census, if a household consisted of a married couple and both spouses reported the same sex, the relationship category remained husband or wife, but the sex of the partner who reported being a spouse to the householder was changed. Humans all the way down

Human actions are ubiquitous in every part of data analysis! The most objective methods often have had subjective actions before and after.

Further reading